Standing Committees

The Homewood Graduate Board makes recommendations to the Doctor of Philosophy Board of all Ph.D. degrees awarded by departments and makes recommendation to the Academic Council of changes in the existing programs or approval of any new programs for the Ph.D. degree.

The Board of Review makes recommendations to the Deans and Academic Council of candidates for research professor, research scholar, research scientist, and research engineer promotions and appointments.

The KSAS & WSE Curriculum Committees are charged with fostering the enhancement of the undergraduate curriculum, giving special consideration to interdepartmental programs and general distribution requirements. They review existing and proposed undergraduate programs and bring recommendations of policy to the Academic Council subcommittee on Academic Affairs.

The WSE Graduate Committee makes recommendations to the Academic Council in regard to Whiting School graduate degree programs and requirements for graduate degrees other than the Ph.D. degrees.

The Teaching and Practice Faculty Appointment and Promotion Committee makes recommendations to the Academic Council of candidates for associate teaching professor and teaching professor promotions and appointments.